Best Spray Tanning Solutions for Skin Types
Best Spray Tanning Solutions for Your Skin Type
Skin tone is generally determined by the levels of melanin in the skin. On one end of the skin tone spectrum the color may range from ivory white with some pink (given the presence of blood vessels) to black with variations caused by a persons genetics, weather exposure and sunlight.
Human skin naturally darkens when exposed to sunlight or UV radiation given the ability of UVB radiation to produce melanin (the body's response to protect the skin) and then UVA radiations ability to oxidize and darken that melanin. However, given the harmful effects of UV radiation on the skin, UV tanning is not normally recommended for modifying skin tone, and a spray tan should be considered.
When considering the best spray tan solution a person should seek to match their skin to the solution being used. We have identified the six skin types below and the recommended spray tanning solutions for that skin type.
This classification is semi-subjective given it was developed by interviewing people about themselves. However, after identifying distinct trends, the creator was able to categorize six groups. It’s certainly possible you won’t meet all the characteristics in one of the Skin Types so you should identify with one that you feel best fits you broadly.
Skin Type 1
- Skin color (before sun exposure): ivory
- Eye color: light blue, light gray, or light green
- Natural hair color: red or light blonde
- Sun reaction: skin always freckles, always burns and peels, and never tans
Solution Recommendations:
- Norvell Cosmo Organic Light - Lightest development color
- Norvell Clear Plus - 2nd lightest development color
- Norvell ONE Hour Rapid with 1 hour rinse time.
- Norvell Venetian ONE with 1 hour rinse time
Skin Type 2
- Skin color (before sun exposure): fair or pale
- Eye color: blue, gray, or green
- Natural hair color: blonde
- Sun reaction: skin usually freckles, burns and peels often, and rarely tans
Solution Recommendations:
- Norvell Cosmo Organic Light - Lightest development color
- Norvell Clear Plus - 2nd lightest development color
- Norvell Dark - may be too dark for some lighter tones in this type
- Norvell One Hour Rapid with 60-90 minute rinse time
- Norvell Venetian ONE with 60-90 minute rinse time
Skin Type 3
- Skin color (before sun exposure): fair to beige, with golden undertones
- Eye color: hazel or light brown
- Natural hair color: dark blonde or light brown
- Sun reaction: skin might freckle, burns on occasion, and sometimes tans
Solution Recommendations:
- Norvell Dark
- Norvell Cosmo Organic
- Norvell Venetian
- Norvell ONE with 1-2 hour rinse time
- Norvell Venetian ONE with 1-2 hour rinse time
Skin Type 4
- Skin color (before sun exposure): olive or light brown
- Eye color: dark brown
- Natural hair color: dark brown
- Sun reaction: doesn’t really freckle, burns rarely, and tans often
Solution Recommendations:
- Norvell Dark
- Norvell Cosmo Organic
- Norvell Venetian
- Norvell Venetian Plus
- Norvell ONE with 2 hour rinse time
- Norvell Venetian ONE with 2 hour rinse
Skin Type 5
Solution Recommendations:
- Norvell Cosmo Organic
- Norvell Venetian
- Norvell Venetian Plus
- Norvell ONE with 2-3 hour rinse time
- Norvell Venetian ONE with 2-3 hour rinse time
Skin Type 6
- Skin color (before sun exposure): black
- Eye color: brownish black
- Natural hair color: black
- Sun reaction: never freckles, never burns, and always tans darkly
Solution Recommendations:
- Norvell Cosmo Organic
- Norvell Double Dark - 2nd darkest development color
- Norvell Venetian Plus - #1 Darkest development color
- Norvell ONE with 3 hour rinse time
- Norvell Venetian ONE with 3 hour rinse time
Please see the Norvell Color Chart below for further reference: